There are dragons that appear at the turning of an age. Mighty warrior dragons, and powerful wizard dragons, filled with fire and great Light. They come to help transmute the old ways, and usher in the New.
But this is not their tale. This is instead a tale of the unsung, and mostly un-noticed dragons. Those of mighty lineage, filled with a deep quiet power and grace. They do not trumpet their arrival, nor are they honored for their sweeping deeds of heroism. But they are True Heroes indeed. Filled with Peace, Wisdom and Integrity, they come to do the quiet steady work of weaving the Sacred into the mundane.
As humanity comes of age, perhaps you may be one to take up the mantle of great responsibility that must go hand in hand with great creative power. Perhaps you are ready to Dream forth a world of incredible Beauty. It is your destiny, if you choose it. A hero's destiny. Are you ready to rise to this new challenge? Your allies await your decision.