This limited edition print is a reproduction from an oil painting of the St. Louis Old Courthouse Rotunda and only 750 prints will be sold. The concept to create this artwork was apart of the courthouse which is part of the National Parks system, which is a part of the Jefferson Expansion that also includes the grounds of the St. Louis Gateway Arch along the Mississippi River. I enjoyed looking up at the light coming through the small windows in the turret. This building where the original was taken is the site of the historical Dred Scott decision. As a result, the artwork is named, “Judgement.” By the way, my wife, Yvette’s father, the late Rev. Archie Blaine, did the legislature to have the St. Louis Gateway Arch erected. He was the administrative assistant to Mayor Alphonso Cervantes in St. Louis, MO and served in Missouri’s political structure for over 35 years. I hope you purchase this limited edition print.
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James Loveless is willing to sell this fantastic piece of art.
180.00 USD (20.00 USD S&H)
28" X 22" - Cityscape - Oil On Canvas
Ceililng of a rotunda.
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I knew it was the old court house when I first saw it and then I read up on it. I grew up in St. Louis and have been in there many times. Great painting and great other art too. Kevin Nodland
Kevin Nodland