"Lanang Wadon" ... This painting is a symbol of Human, Men and Women.....in bali, men and women called lanang wadon, This symbol is often in use at ceremonies such as death, and this symbol painted on the cloth kavan ... this symbol to bring someone who has died to return to the side with the gods of peace, that if a man dies, a symbol that is used is a symbol of man, and if the dead woman, the symbol used is a symbol of women ....symbol in this painting is also required prior to prayer, because the paint is very sacred symbols, should not be careless in place ...
through this painting I wanted to convey, so that the beautiful tradition and culture that we have, why do not we guard to be extinct....
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Jaya Saputra is willing to sell this fantastic piece of art.
Lanang Wadon
370.00 USD (10.00 USD S&H)
32,5 Cm X 21,5 Cm - Original Artwork - Pencils And Acrylic On Linen Paper
This painting is a symbol of Human, Men and Women
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