This artwork piece is fairly unique, in that, its appearance can be altered simply by changing the direction, source, and intensity of the light source, which then, modifies the shadows within the plaster creases (ridges). It was created in stages. First, the texture was applied with a plaster mix and spread with a paint brush to create the creases. Second, the entire canvas with the plaster now dried was coated with a gloss white, latex acrylic, house paint. Since the canvas underlayment moves slightly, however allows the plaster to breath, I choose latex as a means of creating a more flexible bond to keep the plaster intact. The colored areas were then applied with a large paint brush.
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Dave Barazsu is willing to sell this fantastic piece of art.
Swirling Goo
400.00 USD (0.00 USD S&H)
48X40 - Abstract - Acrylic And Plaster On Canvas
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