This piece is my original plaster sculpture of a women's head. As a young black artist I made it in 1969 at the age of 13yrs. old. It is a primitive in excellent condition. This work has been displayed twice in the Gallery at the Indiana University Kokomo Gallery. She is so named for her "mesmerising stare." Even better when seen in person.
Buy Artwork
Edward Jackson is willing to sell this fantastic piece of art.
5,000.00 USD (100.00 USD S&H)
20" Long By 20" High - Sculpture - Plaster
Primitive Women's Head
5,000.00 USD (100.00 USD S&H)
20" Long By 20" High - Sculpture - Plaster With Plaster Strips
Women's Head
Please contact the artist directly to inquire about buying artwork or to make an offer to purchase artwork.