This fascinating oil painting shows a majestic white horse against a deep blue background. The work captivates with its strong contrast and ethereal aura. The horse, depicted in a graceful, striding pose, seems to be made of pure light. Its silhouette is painted in luminous white, with subtle shading that emphasises its musculature and movement. The flowing mane and curved tail reinforce the impression of elegance and movement. The composition is dynamic and conveys a sense of movement and freedom. The horse appears to be simultaneously powerful and weightless, as if floating between heaven and earth. Overall, the painting radiates a dreamlike, almost mystical atmosphere. It invites the viewer to immerse themselves in a world in which reality and fantasy merge. The technique of oil on velvet is very rarely used, as it is very time-consuming and difficult.
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Claudia Luethi Alias Abdelghafar is willing to sell this fantastic piece of art.
White Horse On Blue Velvet
4,400.00 USD (250.00 USD S&H)
60 X 70 Cm - Oilpainting On Velvet - Oil On Velvet
Oilpainting on blue velvet from a white horse
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