Title : Idolized Mask Medium: Ink on sketch book paper Size: 15"w x 24"h Year: 2016
This is my study of the destroyed Darth Vader mask.from the movie Star Wars, "The Force Awakens. This ink rendering was my design for the pumpkin carving contest held every year at The Chadds Ford Pa Historical Society headquarter. I chose to do this mask because it illustrates what is the ultimate destination for all who chose to live in the darkness of sin,in stead of living in the the light of righteousness. The mask belong to the villain Darth Vader , who die while trying to force his son to join the dark side of the force. So I thought the destroyed mask over the letters "The Dark Side Of The Force." reflect the Biblical principle " Sin gives birth to death."
Written by Stephen J.Vattimo Oct 24,2016
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Stephen J Vattimo is willing to sell this fantastic piece of art.
Title : Idolized Mask
500.00 USD (20.00 USD S&H)
15"X24" - Art - Ink On Sketch Book Paper
Drawing,ink on sketch book paper
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