Hello www.nobullART.com users!!!!!!!! I'm really happy to have an account on this website!!!
I am only in middle school for I'm only 13!!!!!!!!I sell my art for any price you ask it for!!!!!!!
I can also do request if you ask for them!!!!!!!But I will worn you that if you ask me to draw you something it might take some time because I need insperatin for I've been getting drwaer's block or something lately!!!!!!!
I would also like to state that I am not very good at spelling so plaese excuse my errors!!!!
My favorte colors are red and black!!!!!!
The next thing I'm about to say and this i crucial!!!!!! I DON'T COLOR MY PICTURES!!!!!!!!!
It is a very rare occasion if I color my pictures!!!!!!!!!!
Again I say that I'm very excited to join this website so please feel free to tell me if I need to improve my art I'm always glad to get advice!!!!!!!!