Hello and sorry to let you all friends DANIEL GOOJVIN past way and this is daniel goojvin
Daniel Goojvin the russian , born in iran , is PAST AWAY.
and all his art work is the last art work.
Daniel Goojvin, well known to art collectors in Italy, France, Spain, Greece and Russia, introduces an original oil painting on canvas, "You will remember me forever, Last Supper" The size of the piece is 48 x 30 inches, and retails for $9,000. Goojvin has over 3,500 oil-on-canvas pieces in private collections around the world. His accomplished style has won him many titles and awards from prestigious art associations and clubs, and he has held over 150 exhibits across Europe and Asia. Trained as an opera singer and actor, Goojvin has performed in over 90 opera productions and has had supporting roles in four major motion pictures,