About my paintings...
I engage my canvases; I don't consider that I paint them, in the traditional sense. For me, the physical and mental processes that lie behind the finished piece are the most fundamental aspects of the whole process. I steer clear of brushes and other similar tools that are designed to directly apply paint, preferring instead to have the paint do the job itself. I tend to use recycled utensils- small plastic knives, forks and spoons you find in take-out places to get the paint from tub or bottle onto canvas. I try to use Golden acrylics whenever I have the money for them, especially their excellent grounds, pastes and gel mediums. Their Fluid Acrylics are my preferred products, but I also appreciate the many abilities of the soft and heavy gels. I also use some Liquitex products, such as their varnish/ extension liquids and a few of their soft body paints.
Emphasis on the production process, as opposed to a focus on what the finished article 'should' look like, is of paramount importance to me. The production of my canvases is about the painting processes (the causes), and how it actually turns out (the effect) is the least of my concerns. In other words, when I start a painting, there is not a preplanned image that I want to see produced; rather, the finished article is realized as the end point of the processes that precede it. It is when I reach this point in the process that I feel I have created a satisfactory and completed piece. Meaning, for the individual observer, will in this way be unique, and serves to help create a unique bond between observer and object. With these intentions I feel it is not necessary to 'see' anything specific in the paintings; rather, allowing meaning to evolve naturally over time is key.
My painting style rarely lends itself to being able to concentrate on any specific detail for any length of time; I find my canvases require repeated consideration over a long time to appreciate the subtleties on multiple levels (of understanding). My aim in displaying my work is to show the results of my personal meditations on the human experience. It means a great deal to me to observe phenomena on as much a non-conceptual level as possible. I am always curious about why we feel particular emotional responses, at particular times, stimulated by what, and so on…
Please email me if you are interested in anything to do with my paintings (incl. purchasing if you feel especially inclined) :)
I gladly welcome any opportunity to learn, develop, share and grow..
I'm English by birth and I currently live in Savannah, GA, USA.
** Taking superb quality photos of my artwork has always been very difficult. I'm not a photographer and I don't have ready access to one. For most of my pictures/ uploads, I've used either my Canon Ixus 7mp camera, or my HTC Sensation smartphone. Some of the pictures may be slightly blurred. If you have trouble viewing any of my pieces, please let me know and ill sort it out.