My name is Olesea. I’m 31 years old. I’m an incurable optimist and I absolutely love humanity. I love seeing smiling faces, I love hearing laughter, I love laughing. I love the sea’s sounds and the way it reflects the sky.
Before all things were, there was a Point. From the initial act of putting pencil or compass point to paper each act of geometry is charged with meaning…
My Passion has begun with a Point… a Dot….and bloomed into hundreds of thousands of points. For me, painting mandalas has a sacred and spiritual meaning and also heals my soul. The emotions connect us to our Soul. Let’s express ourselves!!!
What inspires me?
For me, there are so many things that inspire me. The Universe …love… people …nature , quotes, life-experiences and my dreams. I believe that the power of the Soul is passion, creativity, intuition and connection with the Divine.
The cosmos, mythology and ancient and traditional art influence my creations.
My hobbies are listening to music ( Vocal Chillout, Instrumental ) , working out, health and fitness, photography , graphic-design ( Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator) , numerology, sacred geometry, travelling and reading. My favorite authors : Osho, Dalai Lama, Neale Walsh , Rudolph Steiner, Napoleon Hill, Wayne Dyer , C.G.Jung , Debbie Ford, Deepak Chopra, Eckhart Tolle.
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