MKFlood is a sharpie/BIC illustrator creating a traditional gallery style of art with a cartoonish flavour. The Sharpie/Bic artist will bounce towards all subject matters! From fun, fantasy, tragedy, and triumph with rich colors to enhance the eye to wander to every corner of the work. Awarded "Traditional Artist of the Year" for 2013,2014 and 2016 by Nurmous of contest wins of wide range of topics. MKFlood's first national appearance was in September 2012 on the MTV Movie Awards in a Sharpie sponsored video "Purple". Currently you can view recent works in the childrens short story "According to Grandpa" by Eigel Rull now on sale at His Now adventures is creating many illustrated music videos (19 so far) that can be viewed on or on YouTube under the account "MKFlood Presents"..Warning! All of MKFlood's topics will make you feel something, but above all this , you wont be bored! Email is . More of mkflood works can be viewed at;