The Russian-American Mystic MAITREYA (Viatcheslav Petrov-Gladky,b.1954) is an internationally famous artist and philosopher.Graduated from the Art College in 1974.Student of Vasily Sitnikov Studio ("Sitnikov's School").In the period of 1975-1990 took part in numerous Exhibitions of artists of an "Undeground" movement: in dissidents appartment Arts and then on a regular basis at legendary Halls of "Non-Offical Art".During the "Soviet Period" Viatcheslav Petrov-Gladky,despite the Authorities oppression,because one of the most well-known,in great request and highly paid artists of the USSR.Among the buyers and customers of his paintings there were heads of states,congressmen,ministers,bankers,industrialists...His pictirial canvasas are in the most prestigious privete collections and museums in more than 30 countries.In 1989 the artist takes part at an auction of the "Contemporary Soviet ART" in France ("Art Contemporain Sovietique",Versailes,Palais des Congres),and at the height of his glory emigrates to Germany.From 1990 to 2002 he lived and worked in Frankfurt am Main,where the artist became the founder and leader of a new art style "Vision Art",and established the Foundation - "Voice" where well-known German artists united for joint exhibition activities.An important event took place in that period - a realese of his first book-albume "The Way of the Seven Stars" (Aquamarin Verlag,1994).Since 2002 up to the present day the artist,under a new name - MAITREYA.has been living in USA (he lived in Los Angeles,where he opened his Museum-Temple "The House of Maitreya" with a permanent exposition of his paintings and now the artist live in Miami).
MAITREYA (Viatcheslav Petrov-Gladky) defines his creative work-Visions-as "illustration" of mysterial life of Spirit and secret processes of the Universe.