A poetic painting of a place Ginoschio once dreamed about which depicts the sun as an eye, the waterfall as tears, an angelic being as a tree bearing a single branch who's duty is to record actions such as the hangings of slaves on the large tree with a broken branch which once facilitated a noose and a not so grassy blemish where on looking patriots stood in cheer and a much louder sinful silence. Currently valued at $24,000,000.00 USD.
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Ibrahim Ginoschio is willing to sell this fantastic piece of art.
Every Emotion In Every Language
24,000,000.00 USD (100.00 USD S&H)
12" X 16" - Historical - Acrylics
Depiction of a Slave Hanging Post
Please contact the artist directly to inquire about buying artwork or to make an offer to purchase artwork.